Monday, August 25, 2008

Cautious Parenting or Paranoia ?

We had a bit of a scare over the weekend....

Wifey noticed some very very minute trace of blood in zaynes poo... (thinner than sewing needle)

Maternal instinct kicked in immediately, she was definitely in panic mode..

being the usual logical me, I asked her to calm down and think through this logically...

If it was any major internal injuries, it will still be bleeding.. and it will not be just so minute..

(you really need to stare very hard to spot the blood trace..)... so I suggested that we monitor his next few "motions"... So Saturday, Both Wifey and me became CSI investigators...

please read it the Singaporean way.. CSI = "sai" investigators :P Peering intently at every diaper "poo Poo" change.

Glad to say that there was only the 2 times with blood trace and the rest of the weekend, Zayne was fine....

I think its definitely not easy to be parents, especially when your kid is ill... and both parents are definitely very anxious, and there is no doubt that we will gladly rush our baby to the hospital at the prick of a finger...

But communication and understanding between the parents here as well as both would most likely have very different way of handling the situation. In our case, wifey was on the brink of paranoia, and myself calm and logical. The only reason why there was no heated argument about me being indifferent to our son's situation, was because wifey trusted in me and has faith in my judgement.

I wouldn't say I know everything, but I try to be logical so that at least we both dun become "Kan Cheong" Spiders (singaporean way of saying "panicky").. But I have to say, that I will definitely rush Zayne to the hospital if the blood trace was anything more than 0.5 cm !!

Phew.... with that said, you really need to have a strong stomach and love your kid alot to be "CSI" investigators!!! ..

1 comment:

Alien_Mommy said...

and it very smelly one ok!! and u cant eat after that... yaks!