12.30pm Silence of the Lamb
with clockwork precision, the nurses came at 12.25 to wheel pauline to the Op room, and she was push into the op room at exactly 12.30pm..... I was only able to catch this short clip... can't really hear very well .. but you get to see Pauline's pre-op expression..
1.10pm Shattering wailing
was sitting outside the op room waiting... and I see doctors and nurses walking into the op room..
hmmm.. saw ppl going in but none came out.... and looks like its ALMOST ALL the senior doctors and nurses working on Pauline... WOW... that really put me at ease...
As I was waiting, the lull in adrenalin, plus the fact that I have not had a single bite yet, kind of got me a little drowsy ... think I actually doze off... but was awoken but a REALLY LOUD ... WEEEEEHHHHHH..... that got me immediately up on my feet !! with a renewed rush of adrenalin, I was looking left and right .... trying to make sure i wasn't dreaming and there was no other baby in sight...
I checked my watch 1.17pm ... the next few series of baby wails got louder .... DAMN!..(pardon my language) .. this boy really have some lungs!!!
1.40pm First meeting!
I stood right outside the door .. .waited... 1.20pm waited... 1.30pm... waited.
The radiologist came out from the X-ray room round the corner,.. heard Zayne's powerful stereo, smile and congratulated me in Japanese "Omedetto ne", and went back into his room..
I smile back .. and continue to hold that beaming smile.... till the door to the Op room open...and the Nurse came out with my pride in her arms... congratulating me, while Zayne continued to exhibit his full stereos!! I replied thank you and instinctively reached out for MY SON...
yes..my son... ..ah... never thought these 2 words can bring out so much emotion in me....MY SON....
I guess its all the talking to him while he is still in his mum's womb... the moment I held him and called out his name.... he open 1 eye.. took a look at me.. and calm down immediately... wriggled and nestled into my arms peacefully.. .. that left me ..proud n speechless, for lack of a better word to describe my feelings.2.15pm Return of the Mummy
Pauline is wheel back ... and required 5 nurse to carry/transfer her from the Op bed to room bed... if any of you watched 200pound beauty... the scene is a little similar to the doctor n nurse trying to shift the actress from the ambulance stretcher to hospital bed , but of coz Pauline is notthing close to 200 pound lah.. :P
THe rest of the day is a Blur of events...
- handphone, MSN, SKype, sms, MMS.. beeping non-stop... calling dad, mum, sis, brother... ,
- running to get the nurse when pauline's drip almost runs out, ..
- carrying zayne when he cries ( I only had to do that twice... very well behave...)..
- helping to support zayne while pauline breast fed him.. (success.. fed him 3 times today)..
- I got to wipe his POO-wy butt and change diaper when he crapped the second time....
the little rascal gave me the golden shower just as I was about to Tape his pampers down!!....
- help pauline shift when the wound hurts.. pains me to see her pain look... sorry darling...
- oh yes, and busy taking pictures and videos.. when possible...
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Omg!! Zayne is finally born! So cute!! I love babies... =)
Congrats Pauline & Kev!!! :) i felt all buzzing and teary reading your thoughts of being a papa :)... :) .... big hugs to the two of you and a little one of zayne
COngrats Pauline & Kev.. Baby Zayne looks like a charmer in the making! keke... Take care dear P, send pics so I can scrap a little album for u!
Baby Zayne rocks!!! Finally he is out..pauline wont have to complain her tummy so heavy liao loh. keke Congrats..Have a happy family. Me n ah boy will come n visit our little nephew soon. Meanwhile take good care of pauline, being a mother is the greatest job in the earth..of coz i knw u will make a good father too. Cheers
heh heh. :D congratulations! Will get to see him in real life soon. ^^
Congratulations!!! :)
He's gorgeous. :)
THanks everyone....
just wanted to say a big thank you while I have the strength to situp!
yeah.. finally :)
Thank you.. well waiting for your turn with Graeme
(hope I spelt his name right?)
Thank you... wah album from you will be Awesome!!! the photo frame you made for pauline is in our living room in Japan :)
After seeing mei go through so much pain the last 2 days just for this little bundle, HOW to be no good to both of them??
Anyway, Quick quick come...
quick, bring my Kwang Siang Tai dark soy sauce!!!
Thank you..:) if not cannot compete with Dylan for the girls leh....
look more like lao peh or lao bu? i'm bad at this! but since so cute and handsome, must be look like lao bu. ;p
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