Friday, June 27, 2008
Sorry for disappearing....
sorry for disappearing for the last couple of days,... truth is, it has been really tiring, the little rascal is up and demanding for milk every hour...
He is also what I would call "full of shit"...(pauline says just like me!!)..
the past few sleepless nights, we both have been doing the routine:
step1: Zayne wakes up and make a few "quacks" (he he no kidding)
Step2: I get up and carry him to mommy
Step3: Mommy opens her Yukata and shows her boobies!
step4: Zayne with 1 loud quack, latch on to mommy's breast like a hungry wolf
step5: I curl up into "Donut" and wrap round the back of Pauline's back, so she can
lean on me for back support.
Step6: Zayne drinks milk and POOP... really LOud, that's why we know he poops while
he feeds.
Step7: Finish feeding him, Change diapers
Step8: Zayne is shiok now, he sleeps...
Cycle repeats... EVERY HOUR...
BUT CONTRARY to what most new dad said, I found it quite an eye-opening experience,... this is what my parents had to go through when I was born...
hmmmmm.... without complain.. Will update more and post more picture this weekend ..
so Stay Tune!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Now with Zayne in my arms...
( I feel like I was ran over by a damn big truck lo)
Yes, I've never experienced so much physical pain and being so helpless before. I couldn't move, couldn't even bath myself. But my husband has been so readily and patient here for zayne and me.... from changing diapers to helping to sponge bathing me. I have no words to describe how grateful and fortunate to have him in my life and now together with Zayne to make it all complete!! ..

Friday, June 20, 2008
I need Suggestions
HOW should I register his name?? Comments PLease??!!!
Fyi, his chinese name is 潘朕毅 (Pinyin - Pan1 Zhen4 Yi1)
He got japanese name too !! 毅 (たけし)= Takeshi (Ta-Ke-Shi)
Same pronuonciation as 金城武, 武 = Takeshi ha ha ha
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Day 2 Itinery Saga Cont....
12.30pm Silence of the Lamb
with clockwork precision, the nurses came at 12.25 to wheel pauline to the Op room, and she was push into the op room at exactly 12.30pm..... I was only able to catch this short clip... can't really hear very well .. but you get to see Pauline's pre-op expression..
1.10pm Shattering wailing
was sitting outside the op room waiting... and I see doctors and nurses walking into the op room..
hmmm.. saw ppl going in but none came out.... and looks like its ALMOST ALL the senior doctors and nurses working on Pauline... WOW... that really put me at ease...
As I was waiting, the lull in adrenalin, plus the fact that I have not had a single bite yet, kind of got me a little drowsy ... think I actually doze off... but was awoken but a REALLY LOUD ... WEEEEEHHHHHH..... that got me immediately up on my feet !! with a renewed rush of adrenalin, I was looking left and right .... trying to make sure i wasn't dreaming and there was no other baby in sight...
I checked my watch 1.17pm ... the next few series of baby wails got louder .... DAMN!..(pardon my language) .. this boy really have some lungs!!!
1.40pm First meeting!
I stood right outside the door .. .waited... 1.20pm waited... 1.30pm... waited.
The radiologist came out from the X-ray room round the corner,.. heard Zayne's powerful stereo, smile and congratulated me in Japanese "Omedetto ne", and went back into his room..
I smile back .. and continue to hold that beaming smile.... till the door to the Op room open...and the Nurse came out with my pride in her arms... congratulating me, while Zayne continued to exhibit his full stereos!! I replied thank you and instinctively reached out for MY SON... son... ..ah... never thought these 2 words can bring out so much emotion in me....MY SON....
I guess its all the talking to him while he is still in his mum's womb... the moment I held him and called out his name.... he open 1 eye.. took a look at me.. and calm down immediately... wriggled and nestled into my arms peacefully.. .. that left me ..proud n speechless, for lack of a better word to describe my feelings.2.15pm Return of the Mummy
Pauline is wheel back ... and required 5 nurse to carry/transfer her from the Op bed to room bed... if any of you watched 200pound beauty... the scene is a little similar to the doctor n nurse trying to shift the actress from the ambulance stretcher to hospital bed , but of coz Pauline is notthing close to 200 pound lah.. :P
THe rest of the day is a Blur of events...
- handphone, MSN, SKype, sms, MMS.. beeping non-stop... calling dad, mum, sis, brother... ,
- running to get the nurse when pauline's drip almost runs out, ..
- carrying zayne when he cries ( I only had to do that twice... very well behave...)..
- helping to support zayne while pauline breast fed him.. (success.. fed him 3 times today)..
- I got to wipe his POO-wy butt and change diaper when he crapped the second time....
the little rascal gave me the golden shower just as I was about to Tape his pampers down!!....
- help pauline shift when the wound hurts.. pains me to see her pain look... sorry darling...
- oh yes, and busy taking pictures and videos.. when possible...
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Let there be ZAYNE....
Day 2 Itinery - THE BIG DAY!!
8.30am Showertime...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day 1 Itinery - 18 June 2008
2:00pm Check-in
with my broken japanese and the staff's machine-gun japanese, we smoothly fill-out the forms and went was told to go to level 3
Pauline complain my sofa looks more comfortable than her bed..2:10pm In the Room.
Once shown into our room, we were given a quick explaination of the SOP. then we were presented with her Welcome Pack Pauline gets strap with the baby heartbeat monitor... she has to be monitored for 30 minutes...
3.10pm Free n Easy
After the staff are done, pauline was told that she can change into her own relax gown... the rest of the Day is Free for us.. Oh they did offer to give her a Brazilian bikini waxing..(shaving in her case)... but he he he... we were way ahead of them.. the staff thanked us for saving them that service... interesting.
4.10pm Rotting
lucky got TV.... but still rotting... but for the first time .. I see pauline pick up a japanese language book to practice ..:p I went out to buy some afternoon Tea snacks... my dear wife is hungry again :p
5:00pm Briefing From Doctor
was called down to the Doctor's room to have a briefing by him. .. up till this point, Pauline was still quite calm... until the Doctor said he will be performing the operation so don't worry...
I looked sideways at Pauline and saw a glimmer of worry..... HA HA HA... Anyway.. she is in good hands...
6:00pm Dinner time!
Pauline devoured the delicious meal... it smells really good... hmmm... i'll have to go out and grab my own dinner... and guess what?? pauline ask me to pack her some more food when I come back. ?????? i'm not surprise though :P
She cannot have any food or water from 12 midnight onwards... dunno if she can tahan leh ...hmmm
8:18pm Smuggle 2nd Dinner *GASP*!
Went out to buy my bento box.. and grabbed a Sweet Chilli pork sandwhich for Pauline for later... well.. later was what I thought... but Pauline swallowed it in 5 mins as I am writing this... AIYO.. really dunno how she is going to get through the night...
9:00pm Monitor Baby's heartbeat again
The youngest and energetic nurse, Mai-san (hope I didn't get it wrong) on this floor came in to measure Zayne's heartbeat again... as we are making small talk to her in both japanese and english while laughing at my funny Japanese (おかしい にほんご) we showed her this blog. Mai-san was pleasantly surprise :) and she asked if this blog is only restricted to certain people?..
Told her anyone is welcome to view our blog... and we happily wrote down the blog address for her :) She was Alll smiles and happy and bade us good night...
麻衣さん、私たちのブロッグようこそ!(mai-san, welcome to our blog!)
11.40pm Nite Nite
For the first time since we are in Tokyo, we slept before 12 midnight...
On the way to hospital
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Errrrr.... Anxiety??
my wife says i seem super hyper tonight with me blabbering non-stop about this and that....hmmmmm is this Anxiety?..
oh yah, by the way, pauline is checking in to her "5 star hotel" tomorrow....
i'll try to post a video recording (if I know how) of our long awaited "long term" special guest once he arrives...
so stay tune to this blog...
Monday, June 16, 2008
On wifey's request...
ha ha I had thought of doing that only after I take shots of the house in the same angle for that Before n After effect, .. but I guess not... What woman wants, Woman gets.. (applies to my woman only). so here goes
these 2 shots were taken when we came for the house inspection and measurement prior to moving in .
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Here's my lame try at the before and after.... at least you see sofa, coffee table, Tv Console, TV, and a pot of plant.... ke ke ke... so any comments?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Today for the first time... I feel ... left out. Nobody from my family is online, and no one told me where they are going for dinner... .hmmm.. .. no doubt, i am in tokyo.. .. but that doesn't mean I can't know what they will be eating .... somehow just knowing where my family is going and what they will be eating, makes me feel like I am sharing in that same meal too...
Weird sort of feeling to be left out.... guess, I have taken the frequent family dinner gatherings for granted as well... ...
Just sent a sms to my Dad : 老爸, 父亲节快乐! .... and got a reply from him: 你们也快乐。
.. now i don't feel so "empty" ...
That also reminds me... 4 more days for myself to be a dad!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
You only appreciate ....

Both of us can cook, but we have never really bother to cook Bak Kut Teh, Curry chicken, stew chicken, garlic stir fried prawns... Thinking back, I guess we've always taken for granted that we can

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thanks Wendy!!
A lazy sunday, gloomy and raining, we decided to just stay at home and just be couch-potatoes...
The front gate buzzer got me off my butt to answer to the postman .... Parcel delivery on a rainy Sunday?!! Singapore Postal office services,... you should feel ashame ...
Looking at the stamps, parcel from Singapore?..
hmmmm ... and then I remembered pauline mentioned that Wendy has sent a parcel a few days before...
Monday, June 2, 2008
Counting Blessings...
New job offer; Relocation; a miracle Pregnancy; be an expat in my own country; sold my HDB at all time high; get married; smooth relocation; my wife having a fairly symptom-less pregnancy; Able to Find a hospital for delivery; finding a great apartment for our new home; and getting promoted ...
I really hope I still have more blessings to use till my ripe old age...
To elaborate on the string of events listed above will probably be like writing an essay, but I guess I am truly grateful to all the good friends both mine and pauline's, that have helped, encouraged and having us as their friends :)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Miss BAK KUT TEH no more!
Would be nice for a warm soupy meal... steam boat or "nabe", mmmm ....nice..
but haven't bought a big pot yet... Suddenly Pauline showed me something that
lit up my eyes!!! BAK KUT TEH mix !! now where the Hell did that come from???
Apparently, my buddy "IS" had not only "smuggled" pork floss in, but also Bak kut teh mix ... Good one, Bro!!... next trip up, let you try "Ah Hock Bak Kut Teh"..