After we went to the playground, Zayne suddenly had a high fever of 39.3degree for 3 days.. we got so worried! because he used to be so active but then he didn't want to play,didnt want to crawl around and didn't have strength to laugh anymore!! On the third day, red-pinkish rash appeared on his neck and face then doctor confirmed that is Roseola or baby measle..
if your baby recently had a fever and now has a spotty, raised or flat, rosy-pink rash, it could be roseola, also called roseola infantum.
Roseola is a fairly mild and common viral illness that usually strikes children between 6 months and 3 years of age. Roseola is caused by a kind of herpes virus, although not the type that's sexually transmitted.
It's possible to have the virus without having noticeable symptoms. But roseola usually starts out with a sudden, relatively high fever, often above 103 degrees Fahrenheit.
The fever typically lasts three to five days and may end abruptly, followed by the telltale rash. The rash may last for days or only hours.
The rash is pink and may have small flat spots or raised bumps. These spots may have a lighter "halo" around them and may turn white if you press on them.
The rash isn't itchy or uncomfortable, and contact with the rash itself doesn't spread the illness. It's usually seen on the trunk and neck, but it can extend to the arms, legs, and face.
oh no, get well soon !
Hope Zayne will feel better soon.
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