Zayne boy just went for his BCG vaccination.. in Japan, babies all have to be injected with 9 needles stamp twice,, So 18 needles holes mark will be on their arms for life! Its really kinda cruel to inject babies with so many needles at one time!! My Zayne boy was so tired after a good cry! ... :(
Papa says:
This Vacination exercise at our ward wasn't as rowdy as Aloysious Kor kor's ward... I am only commenting from the video we saw Aloysious's daddy posted... Even though our area has soooooooo many babies, surprisingly that day there were only at most 40 - 50 other babies there for the BCG. quite a few Pretty mummies too .. ha ha ha mum to pauline's displeasure :p
Anyway.... it was kind of ..err... strange.. should be illogical... let me explain.
When we registered, the lady realise we are non-japanese, so looking at the ALL japanese forms I had in hand.. she asked if I would like to have english forms ?? of coz I said that would be great!... so she asked her male colleague to get me English forms...
the Guy came with english forms for me... and asked me in concern tones..."Daijou bu??"...
errrr.... i've english native speaker... why would i have problems filling english forms??...
to which I politely answered.. "ii yo"..
After I handed in the completed form .... minutes later .. the guy came back and asked if I can transcribe from the english form to my original japanese forms.... "HUH??... if I knew that was the case, I wouldn't have wasted time filling in the ENGLISH forms.... I can comfortably fill in the Jap form in the first place!!!!.... SIGH... I was in a good enough mood... I just said ok.
halfway circling the yes and no on the Jap form,.. the jap lady came over to take a look .. probably thinking why I took so long...
She saw me transcribing from english to Jap form and gave me a puzzled look and told me .. the enligsh form alone is ok ... HUUUUUHHHH???... @%$#$@#!! So she took the forms away from us... and we were given a waiting number.
The rest after that was smooth and fast. The attending nurses and helpers there were very nice and well something that Singapore hospitals will not have, i'm very sure. A basket is provided for every mother to put her bag and stuff ... if possible, they have 1 helping attending to every mother... this help will be helping the mother to carry the basket and stuff and be guided along to the different rooms.... Now... does Singapore hospitals provide that???....
Okie... that's all ..
OMG, he has grown so much. His face is soooo chubby .. I want to pinch !!
the scars will be barely visible after they grow up. dun worry!
Yaya ... my papa's eyes was having fun too... so many cute young mamas to see !!! That's why papa will always volunter to take leave to bring me for jab at ward office.
ha ha ,.. need to clarify, i got no choice... would gladly let mummy bring zayne herself if she wants to .... I kena "summon" to go one... sigh....
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