towards STEAK....
The other night as we were in JUSCO, (AGAIN).. I decided to grab a few slaps of steak ... and went home to whip up a steak meal in 15mins... yes .. .steak is really easy ... 3-5 mins per side
(depending on thickness).. and its done... the rest of the time is well to the side dishes.. depending on how fanciful you want it to be... or the sauce...
Anyway... why I declare that pauline is down with "MCDS"??.. last night she was hungry and she "demanded" steak for supper... ha ha ha .. and as a dutiful hubby... well I pulled out the steaks and made her what she demanded...
Now this morning... early in the morning at 10+am, my wife excitedly says, come-on, lets quickly get dress so we can grab some fresh choice steak before its gone... "HUH?".... well.. it is a holiday today and weekends n holidays, my time belongs to family,... so here we go Jusco (as always!!)..
My Wife's face beamed... when I showed her the 2 trays of steak I picked... so happily we paid .. and went home..
hmm..... so wouldn't you agree pauline is down with MCDS?? :)
hahah..Pauline is cute..where got MCDS. She's still craving for food? even after pregnancy?
Btw, need to ask Pauline if she's breastfeeding Zayne all the while?
yup..solely breastfeed.. add me..
any questions,,i will try to help if i know la.. :)
doesn't persistent cravings remind u of pregnancy? another cause for celebration? ;p
lol i'll be back to enjoy the spoils of Japan's produce.
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